What is Place?

During the fall semester of 2013, the Place Studies Initiative of the Bucknell University Environmental Center hosted “Understanding Place,” a series of discussions about various concepts used to define and comprehend “place.”

The talks, which were free and open to the public, were delivered by students, faculty, and community members. During the fall of 2013, the following presentations were given:
“Identity” with geography professor Adrian Mulligan

“Rarity” with biology professor Chris Martine

“Headwaters” with English professor Alf Siewers

“Natural” with geography professor Duane Griffin

“Boundary” with international relations professor Jason Cons

“Local” with professor of rural sociology, Clare Hinrichs

Supported by the Bucknell University Environmental Center, the Place Studies Initiative undertakes and supports research within the social sciences and environmental humanities that examines the nature and role of place in human experience. The purpose of the Place Studies Initiative is to facilitate and encourage research on the human dimensions of environmental issues.